Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Welcome to the GoCo API documentation. GoCo is a platform to Level-Up your HR with Flexible Employee Management Software. With our API, you can access and manipulate data related to your company, such as employees, documents, reports, notifications, time off, time tracking and more.
Our API is designed for IT professionals who want to build their own solutions, integrate with other systems, and manage their data in ways they couldn't before. You can use our API to create custom workflows, automate tasks, generate reports, and more.
To get started with our API, you need to generate an API key in the GoCo Marketplace, and then use that API key to authenticate your requests. You can find more details on how to do that in the Authentication section.
Our API follows the OpenAPI Specification standard, which means you can use any compatible tool or library to interact with it. You can also explore our API using the interactive documentation below, which allows you to try out different endpoints and parameters.
If you have any questions, feedback, issues, or support requests related to our API, please contact us at We are always happy to hear from you and help you with your integration.
We hope you enjoy using our API and find it useful for your HR needs.
To use our API, you need to authenticate your requests with a valid API key that will grant you full permissions to access and manipulate data related to your company.
You can manage your API key in the GoCo Marketplace, under the API Credentials section. You can regenerate or revoke it at any time. Only users with Full Access Admin permissions can manage the API Credentials.
To authenticate your requests, you need to use the Bearer Authentication
scheme, which means you need to send an HTTP header like this:
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>
is your API key.
For example, if your API key is 1234567890abcdef
, you would send a header like this:
Authorization: Bearer 1234567890abcdef
You need to send this header with every request you make to our API. If you don’t send it, or if you send an invalid or revoked token, you will get an error response with a 401 Unauthorized
status code.
Please keep your API key secret and secure. Do not share it with anyone or expose it in public. If you suspect that your API key has been compromised, please revoke it immediately and generate a new one.
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "AODiB4QAMchj0PlhVmAS3eYAClc0RG9jdW1lbn",
- "name": "Demo Company 1",
- "urlName": "demo-company-1"
Retrieve a list of custom fields for a company
{- "data": [
- {
- "fields": [
- {
- "description": "Sanitation",
- "id": "AF4CT0nTHFVqawpAkuStgfQAFUN1c3RvbUZpZWxkRGVmaW5pdGlvbgAQzQJJuO92T-KiKqJ3NzoIfg",
- "identifier": "cf__jyn_erso_kamino_molestiae",
- "name": "Jyn Erso Kamino molestiae",
- "possibleValues": [ ],
- "type": "CURRENCY"
}, - {
- "description": "I can’t abide these Jawas. Disgusting creatures.",
- "id": "AGVDqEUSkLDhAYD56K1IpOUAFUN1c3RvbUZpZWxkRGVmaW5pdGlvbgAQcsm1IdOASXSETdHlU_oyuw",
- "identifier": "cf__jango_fett_kamino_sunt",
- "name": "Jango Fett Kamino sunt",
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "id": "AL7yWiK0xhdFdNtWOGA5GIIAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQ0BgwbpLHR1uOFTpzq7oGoA",
- "title": "Option 1",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "id": "AAMDMjE08_X2Bl7rbZNTyhAAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQTMnEv_SiR3mk4uDYwDQeSg",
- "title": "Option 2",
- "value": 2
}, - {
- "id": "ABgA3IYM8rEM2yDmE1M8pFgAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQJvdSbXBrTqOeextBrgl2Ew",
- "title": "Weird, Option 3",
- "value": 3
], - "type": "DROPDOWN"
], - "name": ""
}, - {
- "fields": [
- {
- "description": "I will start my operations here, and pull the rebels apart piece by piece.",
- "id": "ANf-u6LgTWZI5TiI1h1odmkAFUN1c3RvbUZpZWxkRGVmaW5pdGlvbgAQVeXvVpHWSIqjPMAD6PEJ0g",
- "identifier": "cf__hera_syndulla_hosnian_prime_natus",
- "name": "Hera Syndulla Hosnian Prime natus",
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "id": "AFNYfr-iBxD9lg8odJFVQJ4AGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQXtZNyttSS7-d16jA4Qm6_w",
- "title": "Option 1",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "id": "ADNEdfHcduiwrk9NO-TPWuwAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQa_RNnq6QTKyIxPBugMgBmQ",
- "title": "Option 2",
- "value": 2
}, - {
- "id": "AChtDw6fZJ3X3OICoYJ48MkAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQrna-CyCZQyWSxP_hloEnxg",
- "title": "Weird, Option 3",
- "value": 3
], - "type": "CHECKBOX_LIST"
], - "name": "Custom Section"
Retrieve a list of departments
{- "data": [
- {
- "code": "ASV21",
- "id": "AJY901cFwZ46S93o0md3c0EACkRlcGFydG1lb",
- "name": "Product"
}, - {
- "code": "KSIC251",
- "id": "AEw5ZlklT0bwlwtU86WUOeMACkRlcGFydG1lb",
- "name": "Engineering"
Retrieve a list of job titles
{- "data": [
- {
- "code": "MFwHhC2FYd2W9TgB",
- "id": "AJO-QWkulBRK9cONSeoUHWkACEpvYlRpdGxlABD5oujSgGxCUYbiiQ5dIJJD",
- "name": "IT Manager"
}, - {
- "code": "Zv8c6SSJ9XxcSQIE",
- "id": "ABq9PQj73Sv7s9OD6oKu5OAACEpvYlRpdGxlABAjQrOGritFIIdXXtG48s7N",
- "name": "Marketing Analyst"
Retrieve a list of locations
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "AODiB4QAMchj0PlhVmAS3eYAClc0RG9jdW1lbn",
- "name": "Company Location example"
Retrieve a list of document templates
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": [
- {
- "description": "Employee Offer Letter",
- "id": "ALQ2H8vRqNAZHkgUFixtzWQAHVBlcnNvbmFsaXpl",
- "kind": "JOB_OFFER",
- "name": "YC Offer Letter"
Start a document for an employee
object (EmployeeDocumentSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "documentTemplateId": "string"
{- "data": {
- "completed": false,
- "createdBy": {
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- "id": "2537aeda-b772-4db3-b18c-08274dcf471c",
- "lastName": "Automation",
- "middleInitial": "G",
- "preferredFirstName": "GoCo",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555-555-5555"
}, - "employee": {
- "firstName": "John",
- "id": "2537aeda-b772-4db3-b18c-08274dcf471c",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "John",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "1234567890"
}, - "expirationDate": "2019-12-31",
- "id": "AODiB4QAMchj0PlhVmAS3eYAClc0RG9jdW1lbn",
- "name": "Form W-4",
- "steps": [
- {
- "assignedTo": {
- "firstName": "John",
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- "preferredFirstName": "John",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "1234567890"
}, - "completed": false,
- "completedAt": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "completedBy": {
- "firstName": "John",
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- "middleInitial": "K",
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- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "1234567890"
}, - "templateStep": {
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- "assignee": "TEAM_MEMBER",
- "order": 1
}, - {
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- "id": "2537aeda-b772-4db3-b18c-08274dcf471c",
- "lastName": "Doe",
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- "preferredFirstName": "John",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "1234567890"
}, - "completed": false,
- "completedAt": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
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- "lastName": "Doe",
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- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "1234567890"
}, - "templateStep": {
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- "order": 2
], - "template": {
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- "name": "Form W-4"
Upload a document to an employee's profile
object (EmployeeDocumentSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "employeeCanView": true,
- "managerCanView": true,
- "name": "string"
{- "data": {
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- "createdBy": {
- "firstName": "GoCo",
- "id": "2537aeda-b772-4db3-b18c-08274dcf471c",
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- "middleInitial": "G",
- "preferredFirstName": "GoCo",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555-555-5555"
}, - "employee": {
- "firstName": "John",
- "id": "c1ebeab0-d030-4035-8455-ac5178df1379",
- "lastName": "Test33",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Test11",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555-555-5555"
}, - "expirationDate": "",
- "id": "AHuxgU-k0qR11WUDLDSPs1YAEEF0dGFjaGVk",
- "name": "Document Name",
- "steps": [
- {
- "assignedTo": {
- "firstName": "GoCo",
- "id": "2537aeda-b772-4db3-b18c-08274dcf471c",
- "lastName": "Automation",
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- "preferredFirstName": "GoCo",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555-555-5555"
}, - "completed": true,
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- "completedBy": {
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- "id": "2537aeda-b772-4db3-b18c-08274dcf471c",
- "lastName": "Automation",
- "middleInitial": "G",
- "preferredFirstName": "GoCo",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555-555-5555"
}, - "templateStep": {
- "action": "UPLOAD",
- "assignee": "DOCUMENT_SENDER",
- "order": 1
], - "template": { }
Bulk update custom fields for an employee
required | Array of objects | ||||||||||||||
{- "fields": [
- {
- "currencyValue": {
- "currency": "AED",
- "value": 0
}, - "dateValue": "2019-08-24",
- "identifier": "string",
- "intValue": 0,
- "intValues": [
- 0
], - "numberValue": 0,
- "stringValue": "string"
{- "data": {
- "fields": [
- {
- "displayValue": "Custom Field 1 Value",
- "identifier": "cf__custom_field_1"
}, - {
- "displayValue": "Custom Field 2 Value",
- "identifier": "cf__custom_field_2"
Create an employee
firstName required | string First Name |
lastName required | string Last Name |
insertionSource | string Insertion Source |
personalEmail | string <email> Personal Email |
workflowTemplateId | string Hiring Workflow Template ID |
object Employee's address information | |
companyClassId | string Company class ID |
compensationNote | string Compensation note for this employee |
departmentId | string Department ID |
dob | string <date> Date of birth |
employmentType | string Employment type |
jobTitleId | string Job Title ID |
legalSex | string Legal Sex |
locationId | string Work location ID |
managerId | string Manager ID |
payrollScheduleId | string Payroll Schedule ID |
ssn | string Social Security Number |
startDate | string <date> Start date |
object Wage rate | |
wageType | string Wage type |
workEmail | string Work Email |
workPhone | string Work Phone |
object (EmployeeSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "address": {
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "state": "string"
}, - "companyClassId": "string",
- "compensationNote": "string",
- "departmentId": "string",
- "dob": "2019-08-24",
- "employmentType": "CONTRACTOR",
- "jobTitleId": "string",
- "legalSex": "FEMALE",
- "locationId": "string",
- "managerId": "string",
- "payrollScheduleId": "string",
- "ssn": "string",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24",
- "wageRate": {
- "currency": "AED",
- "value": 0
}, - "wageType": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "workEmail": "string",
- "workPhone": "string"
{- "data": {
- "address": {
- "address1": "97243 Von Wall",
- "address2": "square K",
- "city": "Kesslerchester",
- "country": "US",
- "phone": "270-293-1016",
- "postalCode": "77865",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "department": {
- "code": "ASV21",
- "id": "AAoe1J6kJJMBRy7IUaC-3zEACkRlcGFydG1lbnQAEAcdTtlmxUQTkUsyee3qTWA",
- "name": "heuristic Music 93"
}, - "division": {
- "id": "ABLDYLb23CN1xPmcwCDyw5kACERpdmlzaW9uABCgLoSPWpVFKKlcQ1e6Puue",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "dob": "1982-05-30",
- "efmlaBalance": 0,
- "employmentStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "employmentType": "TEMPORARY",
- "epslBalance": 0,
- "extraWithholding": 0,
- "firstName": "Darnell",
- "genderIdentity": "FEMALE",
- "id": "f9b0a835-866d-4277-99f1-d1caebffe5ca",
- "insertionSource": "UNKNOWN",
- "isManager": false,
- "jobTitle": {
- "id": "ADvpk8UFfBgwzyl3CJZLipgACEpvYlRpdGxlABAvGKBWr6BIp5D-1WneYw7V",
- "name": "Default Title"
}, - "lastName": "Morar",
- "legalSex": "FEMALE",
- "location": {
- "id": "AOIW0DGFSR3-hj0C93NFuM0ACExvY2F0aW9uABD2Ksx1R0hIB5qdPLa9VDFG",
- "name": "Headquarters"
}, - "manager": {
- "firstName": "Cristi",
- "id": "30602a86-5c6f-4afc-b10c-ae99b4bfd862",
- "lastName": "D'Amore",
- "middleInitial": "F",
- "preferredFirstName": "Cristi",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555 3430234"
}, - "middleInitial": "K",
- "nonWorkStateWithholding": {
- "allowances": "2",
- "exempt": false,
- "extraWithholding": 2000,
- "filingStatus": "married"
}, - "payrollSchedule": {
- "id": "ACLa_zOrrCN2DvGcOcWx_9IAD1BheXJvbGxTY2hlZHVsZQAQpHa0cvY_QSiFUdijhrtrgA",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "personalBalance": 0,
- "preferredFirstName": "Darnell",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "rehire": false,
- "residentState": "CA",
- "sickBalance": 0,
- "ssn": "538-68-8947",
- "startDate": "2023-06-24",
- "taxFilingStatus": "single",
- "terminationDay": "2023-07-05",
- "terminationNote": "note",
- "terminationStatus": "OFF",
- "terminationType": "INVOLUNTARY",
- "timeOffPolicy": {
- "id": "ABLDYLb23CN1xPmcwCDyw5kACERpaSf2dmlzaW9uABCgLoSPWpVFKKlcQ1e6Puue",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "timeTrackingPolicy": {
- "id": "ALjpB4RvxEHRadJrqNiB8oAAElRpbWVUcmFja2luZ1BvbGljeQAQKMfMFhDgRti5AWCeCiH7qA",
- "name": "Becki Simonis"
}, - "vacationBalance": 0,
- "w420202MultipleJobs": false,
- "w420203DependentWithholding": 0,
- "w420204aOtherIncome": 0,
- "w420204bDeductions": 0,
- "w42020IncomeBelow200k": true,
- "w42020OtherDependents": 2,
- "w42020QualifiedChildren": 5,
- "w4Version": "REVISION2020",
- "wageRate": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": 55650
}, - "wageType": "SALARY",
- "withholdingAllowances": 1,
- "workPhone": "555 3430234"
Retrieve a list of compensation methods for an employee
Array of objects (EmployeeCompensationMethodsSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": [
- {
- "accountNickname": "Account Nickname",
- "amount": 100,
- "amountType": "DOLLARS",
- "bankAccount": {
- "accountNumber": "1234567890",
- "accountType": "CHECKING",
- "bank": {
- "name": "Bank Name"
}, - "routingNumber": "123456789"
}, - "currency": "USD",
- "formattedDepositAmount": "$100",
- "paymentMethod": "DIRECT_DEPOSIT",
- "priority": 1
Retrieve a list of custom fields for an employee
{- "data": [
- {
- "fields": [
- {
- "definition": {
- "description": "Sanitation",
- "id": "AF4CT0nTHFVqawpAkuStgfQAFUN1c3RvbUZpZWxkRGVmaW5pdGlvbgAQzQJJuO92T-KiKqJ3NzoIfg",
- "identifier": "cf__jyn_erso_kamino_molestiae",
- "name": "Jyn Erso Kamino molestiae",
- "possibleValues": [ ],
- "type": "CURRENCY"
}, - "displayValue": "$ 12.34"
}, - {
- "definition": {
- "description": "I can’t abide these Jawas. Disgusting creatures.",
- "id": "AGVDqEUSkLDhAYD56K1IpOUAFUN1c3RvbUZpZWxkRGVmaW5pdGlvbgAQcsm1IdOASXSETdHlU_oyuw",
- "identifier": "cf__jango_fett_kamino_sunt",
- "name": "Jango Fett Kamino sunt",
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "id": "AL7yWiK0xhdFdNtWOGA5GIIAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQ0BgwbpLHR1uOFTpzq7oGoA",
- "title": "Option 1",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "id": "AAMDMjE08_X2Bl7rbZNTyhAAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQTMnEv_SiR3mk4uDYwDQeSg",
- "title": "Option 2",
- "value": 2
}, - {
- "id": "ABgA3IYM8rEM2yDmE1M8pFgAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQJvdSbXBrTqOeextBrgl2Ew",
- "title": "Weird, Option 3",
- "value": 3
], - "type": "DROPDOWN"
}, - "displayValue": "Option 2"
], - "name": ""
}, - {
- "fields": [
- {
- "definition": {
- "description": "I will start my operations here, and pull the rebels apart piece by piece.",
- "id": "ANf-u6LgTWZI5TiI1h1odmkAFUN1c3RvbUZpZWxkRGVmaW5pdGlvbgAQVeXvVpHWSIqjPMAD6PEJ0g",
- "identifier": "cf__hera_syndulla_hosnian_prime_natus",
- "name": "Hera Syndulla Hosnian Prime natus",
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "id": "AFNYfr-iBxD9lg8odJFVQJ4AGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQXtZNyttSS7-d16jA4Qm6_w",
- "title": "Option 1",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "id": "ADNEdfHcduiwrk9NO-TPWuwAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQa_RNnq6QTKyIxPBugMgBmQ",
- "title": "Option 2",
- "value": 2
}, - {
- "id": "AChtDw6fZJ3X3OICoYJ48MkAGEN1c3RvbUZpZWxkUG9zc2libGVWYWx1ZQAQrna-CyCZQyWSxP_hloEnxg",
- "title": "Weird, Option 3",
- "value": 3
], - "type": "CHECKBOX_LIST"
}, - "displayValue": "Weird, Option 3"
], - "name": "Custom Section"
Retrieve a list of employees
{- "data": [
- {
- "address": {
- "address1": "97243 Von Wall",
- "address2": "square K",
- "city": "Kesslerchester",
- "country": "US",
- "phone": "270-293-1016",
- "postalCode": "77865",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "department": {
- "code": "ASV21",
- "id": "AAoe1J6kJJMBRy7IUaC-3zEACkRlcGFydG1lbnQAEAcdTtlmxUQTkUsyee3qTWA",
- "name": "heuristic Music 93"
}, - "division": {
- "id": "ABLDYLb23CN1xPmcwCDyw5kACERpdmlzaW9uABCgLoSPWpVFKKlcQ1e6Puue",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "dob": "1982-05-30",
- "efmlaBalance": 0,
- "emergencyContacts": [
- {
- "name": "Primary Contact",
- "phone": "270-293-1018",
- "priority": 1
}, - {
- "name": "Secondary Contact",
- "phone": "270-293-1019",
- "priority": 2
], - "employmentStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "employmentType": "TEMPORARY",
- "epslBalance": 0,
- "extraWithholding": 0,
- "firstName": "Darnell",
- "genderIdentity": "FEMALE",
- "id": "f9b0a835-866d-4277-99f1-d1caebffe5ca",
- "insertionSource": "UNKNOWN",
- "isManager": false,
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- "id": "ADvpk8UFfBgwzyl3CJZLipgACEpvYlRpdGxlABAvGKBWr6BIp5D-1WneYw7V",
- "name": "Default Title"
}, - "lastName": "Morar",
- "legalSex": "FEMALE",
- "location": {
- "id": "AOIW0DGFSR3-hj0C93NFuM0ACExvY2F0aW9uABD2Ksx1R0hIB5qdPLa9VDFG",
- "name": "Headquarters"
}, - "manager": {
- "firstName": "Cristi",
- "id": "30602a86-5c6f-4afc-b10c-ae99b4bfd862",
- "lastName": "D'Amore",
- "middleInitial": "F",
- "preferredFirstName": "Cristi",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555 3430234"
}, - "middleInitial": "K",
- "nonWorkStateWithholding": {
- "allowances": "2",
- "exempt": false,
- "extraWithholding": 2000,
- "filingStatus": "married"
}, - "payrollSchedule": {
- "id": "ACLa_zOrrCN2DvGcOcWx_9IAD1BheXJvbGxTY2hlZHVsZQAQpHa0cvY_QSiFUdijhrtrgA",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "personalBalance": 0,
- "preferredFirstName": "Darnell",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "rehire": false,
- "residentState": "CA",
- "sickBalance": 0,
- "ssn": "538-68-8947",
- "startDate": "2023-06-24",
- "taxFilingStatus": "single",
- "terminationDay": "2023-07-05",
- "terminationNote": "note",
- "terminationStatus": "OFF",
- "terminationType": "INVOLUNTARY",
- "timeOffPolicy": {
- "id": "ABLDYLb23CN1xPmcwCDyw5kACERpaSf2dmlzaW9uABCgLoSPWpVFKKlcQ1e6Puue",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "timeTrackingPolicy": {
- "id": "ALjpB4RvxEHRadJrqNiB8oAAElRpbWVUcmFja2luZ1BvbGljeQAQKMfMFhDgRti5AWCeCiH7qA",
- "name": "Becki Simonis"
}, - "vacationBalance": 0,
- "w420202MultipleJobs": false,
- "w420203DependentWithholding": 0,
- "w420204aOtherIncome": 0,
- "w420204bDeductions": 0,
- "w42020IncomeBelow200k": true,
- "w42020OtherDependents": 2,
- "w42020QualifiedChildren": 5,
- "w4Version": "REVISION2020",
- "wageRate": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": 55650
}, - "wageType": "SALARY",
- "withholdingAllowances": 1,
- "workPhone": "555 3430234"
], - "maxPerPage": 25,
- "page": 2,
- "total": 2,
- "totalPages": 1
Retrieve a list of state withholdings for an employee
Array of objects (EmployeeStateWithholdingsSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": [
- {
- "allowNonResidentExemption": false,
- "allowances": "1",
- "exempt": false,
- "exemptReason": "OTHER",
- "exemptionForm": {
- "title": "IT-2104-E",
}, - "exemptionOptions": "NONE",
- "fields": [
- {
- "allowNegative": null,
- "dataType": "STRING",
- "default": null,
- "fieldName": "filingStatus",
- "hint": null,
- "label": "Personal Exemption",
- "legacy": null,
- "maxValue": null,
- "minValue": null,
- "perPayPeriod": true,
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "title": "None",
- "value": "0"
}, - {
- "title": "Single",
- "value": "S"
}, - {
- "title": "Single, Head of Family",
- "value": "H"
}, - {
- "title": "Married",
- "value": "M"
}, - {
- "title": "Married Filing Separately",
- "value": "MS"
], - "required": true,
- "subLabel": null,
- "useCalculator": false,
- "value": "H"
], - "filingStatus": "H",
- "id": "ANPAWSvANFgR9jm1IdpMpQEADUFsV2l0aGhvbGRpbmcAEMy9gKcFHUK4tS6Mn6ALsB4",
- "isWorkState": false,
- "signedAt": "2024-03-12T07:23:14-07:00",
- "state": "AL"
}, - {
- "allowNonResidentExemption": false,
- "allowances": "9",
- "exempt": false,
- "exemptReason": "OTHER",
- "exemptionForm": {
- "title": "IT-2104-E",
}, - "exemptionOptions": "NONE",
- "fields": [
- {
- "allowNegative": null,
- "dataType": "STRING",
- "default": null,
- "fieldName": "filingStatus",
- "hint": "This determines the tax rate you will file as. Make sure you are selecting the correct option as it will affect the amount withheld from your paycheck for taxes.",
- "label": "Exemptions Claimed",
- "legacy": null,
- "maxValue": null,
- "minValue": null,
- "perPayPeriod": true,
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "title": "You claim yourself (1 exemption)",
- "value": "you"
}, - {
- "title": "You claim yourself and your spouse (2 exemptions)",
- "value": "you_and_spouse"
}, - {
- "title": "Head of Household, and you claim yourself (2 exemptions)",
- "value": "head_of_household"
], - "required": true,
- "subLabel": null,
- "useCalculator": false,
- "value": "head_of_household"
], - "filingStatus": "head_of_household",
- "id": "ANz6sJ06gR58mikgTS5WNrEADUFyV2l0aGhvbGRpbmcAEKnjD7YqUkvNpczpj-uUqwE",
- "isWorkState": false,
- "signedAt": "2024-03-12T07:23:14-07:00",
- "state": "AR"
Retrieve an employee
object (EmployeeSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": {
- "address": {
- "address1": "97243 Von Wall",
- "address2": "square K",
- "city": "Kesslerchester",
- "country": "US",
- "phone": "270-293-1016",
- "postalCode": "77865",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "department": {
- "code": "ASV21",
- "id": "AAoe1J6kJJMBRy7IUaC-3zEACkRlcGFydG1lbnQAEAcdTtlmxUQTkUsyee3qTWA",
- "name": "heuristic Music 93"
}, - "division": {
- "id": "ABLDYLb23CN1xPmcwCDyw5kACERpdmlzaW9uABCgLoSPWpVFKKlcQ1e6Puue",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "dob": "1982-05-30",
- "efmlaBalance": 0,
- "employmentStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "employmentType": "TEMPORARY",
- "epslBalance": 0,
- "extraWithholding": 0,
- "firstName": "Darnell",
- "genderIdentity": "FEMALE",
- "id": "f9b0a835-866d-4277-99f1-d1caebffe5ca",
- "insertionSource": "UNKNOWN",
- "isManager": false,
- "jobTitle": {
- "id": "ADvpk8UFfBgwzyl3CJZLipgACEpvYlRpdGxlABAvGKBWr6BIp5D-1WneYw7V",
- "name": "Default Title"
}, - "lastName": "Morar",
- "legalSex": "FEMALE",
- "location": {
- "id": "AOIW0DGFSR3-hj0C93NFuM0ACExvY2F0aW9uABD2Ksx1R0hIB5qdPLa9VDFG",
- "name": "Headquarters"
}, - "manager": {
- "firstName": "Cristi",
- "id": "30602a86-5c6f-4afc-b10c-ae99b4bfd862",
- "lastName": "D'Amore",
- "middleInitial": "F",
- "preferredFirstName": "Cristi",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555 3430234"
}, - "middleInitial": "K",
- "nonWorkStateWithholding": {
- "allowances": "2",
- "exempt": false,
- "extraWithholding": 2000,
- "filingStatus": "married"
}, - "payrollSchedule": {
- "id": "ACLa_zOrrCN2DvGcOcWx_9IAD1BheXJvbGxTY2hlZHVsZQAQpHa0cvY_QSiFUdijhrtrgA",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "personalBalance": 0,
- "preferredFirstName": "Darnell",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "rehire": false,
- "residentState": "CA",
- "sickBalance": 0,
- "ssn": "538-68-8947",
- "startDate": "2023-06-24",
- "taxFilingStatus": "single",
- "terminationDay": "2023-07-05",
- "terminationNote": "note",
- "terminationStatus": "OFF",
- "terminationType": "INVOLUNTARY",
- "timeOffPolicy": {
- "id": "ABLDYLb23CN1xPmcwCDyw5kACERpaSf2dmlzaW9uABCgLoSPWpVFKKlcQ1e6Puue",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "timeTrackingPolicy": {
- "id": "ALjpB4RvxEHRadJrqNiB8oAAElRpbWVUcmFja2luZ1BvbGljeQAQKMfMFhDgRti5AWCeCiH7qA",
- "name": "Becki Simonis"
}, - "vacationBalance": 0,
- "w420202MultipleJobs": false,
- "w420203DependentWithholding": 0,
- "w420204aOtherIncome": 0,
- "w420204bDeductions": 0,
- "w42020IncomeBelow200k": true,
- "w42020OtherDependents": 2,
- "w42020QualifiedChildren": 5,
- "w4Version": "REVISION2020",
- "wageRate": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": 55650
}, - "wageType": "SALARY",
- "withholdingAllowances": 1,
- "workPhone": "555 3430234"
The effective date will be set as follows: For incomplete hires, we prioritize the employee's start date; if unavailable, we consider the creation date, defaulting to today's date if neither is provided. For completed hires, we use the start date if it's in the future; otherwise, we default to today's date
firstName | string First Name |
lastName | string Last Name |
object Employee's address information | |
companyClassId | string Company class ID |
compensationNote | string Compensation note for this employee |
departmentId | string Department ID |
dob | string <date> Date of birth |
employmentType | string Employment type |
jobTitleId | string Job Title ID |
legalSex | string Legal Sex |
locationId | string Work location ID |
managerId | string Manager ID |
payrollScheduleId | string Payroll Schedule ID |
ssn | string Social Security Number |
startDate | string <date> Start date |
object Wage rate | |
wageType | string Wage type |
workEmail | string Work Email |
workPhone | string Work Phone |
object (EmployeeSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "address": {
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "state": "string"
}, - "companyClassId": "string",
- "compensationNote": "string",
- "departmentId": "string",
- "dob": "2019-08-24",
- "employmentType": "CONTRACTOR",
- "jobTitleId": "string",
- "legalSex": "FEMALE",
- "locationId": "string",
- "managerId": "string",
- "payrollScheduleId": "string",
- "ssn": "string",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24",
- "wageRate": {
- "currency": "AED",
- "value": 0
}, - "wageType": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "workEmail": "string",
- "workPhone": "string"
{- "data": {
- "address": {
- "address1": "97243 Von Wall",
- "address2": "square K",
- "city": "Kesslerchester",
- "country": "US",
- "phone": "270-293-1016",
- "postalCode": "77865",
- "state": "CA"
}, - "department": {
- "code": "ASV21",
- "id": "AAoe1J6kJJMBRy7IUaC-3zEACkRlcGFydG1lbnQAEAcdTtlmxUQTkUsyee3qTWA",
- "name": "heuristic Music 93"
}, - "division": {
- "id": "ABLDYLb23CN1xPmcwCDyw5kACERpdmlzaW9uABCgLoSPWpVFKKlcQ1e6Puue",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "dob": "1982-05-30",
- "efmlaBalance": 0,
- "employmentStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "employmentType": "TEMPORARY",
- "epslBalance": 0,
- "extraWithholding": 0,
- "firstName": "Darnell",
- "genderIdentity": "FEMALE",
- "id": "f9b0a835-866d-4277-99f1-d1caebffe5ca",
- "insertionSource": "UNKNOWN",
- "isManager": false,
- "jobTitle": {
- "id": "ADvpk8UFfBgwzyl3CJZLipgACEpvYlRpdGxlABAvGKBWr6BIp5D-1WneYw7V",
- "name": "Default Title"
}, - "lastName": "Morar",
- "legalSex": "FEMALE",
- "location": {
- "id": "AOIW0DGFSR3-hj0C93NFuM0ACExvY2F0aW9uABD2Ksx1R0hIB5qdPLa9VDFG",
- "name": "Headquarters"
}, - "manager": {
- "firstName": "Cristi",
- "id": "30602a86-5c6f-4afc-b10c-ae99b4bfd862",
- "lastName": "D'Amore",
- "middleInitial": "F",
- "preferredFirstName": "Cristi",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "555 3430234"
}, - "middleInitial": "K",
- "nonWorkStateWithholding": {
- "allowances": "2",
- "exempt": false,
- "extraWithholding": 2000,
- "filingStatus": "married"
}, - "payrollSchedule": {
- "id": "ACLa_zOrrCN2DvGcOcWx_9IAD1BheXJvbGxTY2hlZHVsZQAQpHa0cvY_QSiFUdijhrtrgA",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "personalBalance": 0,
- "preferredFirstName": "Darnell",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "rehire": false,
- "residentState": "CA",
- "sickBalance": 0,
- "ssn": "538-68-8947",
- "startDate": "2023-06-24",
- "taxFilingStatus": "single",
- "terminationDay": "2023-07-05",
- "terminationNote": "note",
- "terminationStatus": "OFF",
- "terminationType": "INVOLUNTARY",
- "timeOffPolicy": {
- "id": "ABLDYLb23CN1xPmcwCDyw5kACERpaSf2dmlzaW9uABCgLoSPWpVFKKlcQ1e6Puue",
- "name": "Default"
}, - "timeTrackingPolicy": {
- "id": "ALjpB4RvxEHRadJrqNiB8oAAElRpbWVUcmFja2luZ1BvbGljeQAQKMfMFhDgRti5AWCeCiH7qA",
- "name": "Becki Simonis"
}, - "vacationBalance": 0,
- "w420202MultipleJobs": false,
- "w420203DependentWithholding": 0,
- "w420204aOtherIncome": 0,
- "w420204bDeductions": 0,
- "w42020IncomeBelow200k": true,
- "w42020OtherDependents": 2,
- "w42020QualifiedChildren": 5,
- "w4Version": "REVISION2020",
- "wageRate": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": 55650
}, - "wageType": "SALARY",
- "withholdingAllowances": 1,
- "workPhone": "555 3430234"
Retrieve a list of notifications
{- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-06-30T10:45:13-07:00",
- "description": "Please complete the Form W-4 for Rachel Green",
- "dueDate": "2023-07-30T10:45:13-07:00",
- "id": "AFhaLDDjGyuwivIED6nTUhoAGFdv",
- "notifiedEmployees": [
- {
- "firstName": "Rachel",
- "id": "1326f589-fbca-4f9c-893c-b9d5ff1a8243",
- "lastName": "Green",
- "preferredFirstName": "Rachel",
- "workPhone": "978-590-1465"
], - "notifiedWorkPhones": [
- "978-590-1465"
], - "status": "INCOMPLETE",
- "targetEmployee": {
- "firstName": "Rachel",
- "id": "1326f589-fbca-4f9c-893c-b9d5ff1a8243",
- "lastName": "Green",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Rachel",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "978-590-1465"
}, - "type": "WORKFLOW_TASK"
], - "maxPerPage": 1,
- "page": 1,
- "total": 712,
- "totalPages": 712
Retrieve a list of additional deductions
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "AODiB4QAMchj0PlhVmAS3eYAClc0RG9jdW1lbn",
- "name": "401(k)"
Retrieve a list of additional earnings
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "AODiB4QAMchj0PlhVmAS3eYAClc0RG9jdW1lbn",
- "name": "Bonus"
Retrieve a list of company classes
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "AFOMUMjsoPjsCN1KmnGnSQMADENvBhbnlDbGFzcwAQKTDmRcrQ",
- "name": "Everyone"
Retrieve a list of payroll schedules
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "AJO-ADqKGxUHqvA2wox0bEbc7yMAD1BheXJvbGxTY2hlZHVsZQAQt41co2",
- "name": "Default"
Create a time off request
employeeId required | string the employee ID, used when creating a new request |
bucketType required | string the bucket type for the request |
firstDayHours required | number <double> number of hours for the first day, if it's a partial day |
lastDayHours required | number <double> number of hours for the last day, if it's a partial day |
reason required | string the reason for the request (pre-defined at the policy level |
startDate required | string Start date |
endDate required | string End date |
accrualStatus | string accrual status for the request(required when bucket type is leave) |
paid | boolean toggle that says if the EE should be paid or not while on time off(required and used only for leave) |
requestNote | string the employee free form note for the request |
object (TimeOffRequestSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "accrualStatus": "CONTINUE",
- "bucketType": "BEREAVEMENT",
- "employeeId": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "firstDayHours": 0,
- "lastDayHours": 0,
- "paid": true,
- "reason": "string",
- "requestNote": "string",
- "startDate": "string"
{- "data": {
- "bucketName": "Vacation",
- "bucketType": "VACATION",
- "createdAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "decidedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "decidedBy": {
- "firstName": "Wilma",
- "id": "fe1b7841-423f-4ce8-a36e-19b1913e4b6b",
- "lastName": "Daniel",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Tabitha",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(919) 209-6711"
}, - "decisionNote": "have fun",
- "decisionStatus": "APPROVED",
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "Ron",
- "id": "3602395e-36c4-49f2-991a-3197e1cfbfe8",
- "lastName": "Schroeder",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ron",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(509) 817-5024"
}, - "endDate": "2021-01-25",
- "endTime": "06:30:00",
- "paid": true,
- "reason": "Vacation",
- "requestNote": "Seeing my parents in CO",
- "requestedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "requestedBy": {
- "firstName": "Ron",
- "id": "3602395e-36c4-49f2-991a-3197e1cfbfe8",
- "lastName": "Schroeder",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ron",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(509) 817-5024"
}, - "startDate": "2021-01-23",
- "startTime": "20:15:00",
- "timeOffBucket": {
- "availableBalance": 27.22,
- "currentBalance": 71.22,
- "usedBalance": 0
}, - "timeOffDays": [
- {
- "date": "2021-01-23",
- "hours": 0,
- "type": "NOT_COUNTED_OFF"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-24",
- "hours": 0,
- "type": "NOT_COUNTED_OFF"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-25",
- "hours": 6,
- "type": "COUNTED"
], - "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
- "totalHours": 6,
- "updatedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00"
Decide on a time off request
object (TimeOffRequestSchema) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "approve": true,
- "note": "string"
{- "data": {
- "bucketName": "Vacation",
- "bucketType": "VACATION",
- "createdAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "decidedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "decidedBy": {
- "firstName": "Wilma",
- "id": "fe1b7841-423f-4ce8-a36e-19b1913e4b6b",
- "lastName": "Daniel",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Tabitha",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(919) 209-6711"
}, - "decisionNote": "have fun",
- "decisionStatus": "APPROVED",
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "Ron",
- "id": "3602395e-36c4-49f2-991a-3197e1cfbfe8",
- "lastName": "Schroeder",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ron",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(509) 817-5024"
}, - "endDate": "2021-01-25",
- "endTime": "06:30:00",
- "paid": true,
- "reason": "Vacation",
- "requestNote": "Seeing my parents in CO",
- "requestedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "requestedBy": {
- "firstName": "Ron",
- "id": "3602395e-36c4-49f2-991a-3197e1cfbfe8",
- "lastName": "Schroeder",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ron",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(509) 817-5024"
}, - "startDate": "2021-01-23",
- "startTime": "20:15:00",
- "timeOffBucket": {
- "availableBalance": 27.22,
- "currentBalance": 71.22,
- "usedBalance": 0
}, - "timeOffDays": [
- {
- "date": "2021-01-23",
- "hours": 0,
- "type": "NOT_COUNTED_OFF"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-24",
- "hours": 0,
- "type": "NOT_COUNTED_OFF"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-25",
- "hours": 6,
- "type": "COUNTED"
], - "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
- "totalHours": 6,
- "updatedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00"
Retrieve a list of time off policies
{- "data": [
- {
- "buckets": [
- {
- "bucketName": "Vacation",
- "bucketType": "VACATION",
- "reasons": [ ]
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Jury Duty",
- "bucketType": "JURY_DUTY",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Jury Duty"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Floating Holiday",
- "bucketType": "FLOATING_HOLIDAY",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Floating Holiday"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Bereavement",
- "bucketType": "BEREAVEMENT",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Bereavement"
}, - {
- "name": "Test Reason"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Learning & Development",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Learning & Development"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Leave",
- "bucketType": "LEAVE",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Testing"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Personal Leave",
- "bucketType": "PERSONAL",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Personal Leave"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Sick Leave",
- "bucketType": "SICK",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Sick Leave"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Volunteer",
- "bucketType": "VOLUNTEER",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Volunteer"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "Weather",
- "bucketType": "WEATHER",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "Weather"
}, - {
- "bucketName": "MetaBucket",
- "bucketType": "CUSTOM1",
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "MetaBucket"
], - "name": "Default Policy"
Retrieve a list of time off requests
page | integer <int64> Page Example: page=1 |
maxPerPage | integer <int64> Max per page Example: maxPerPage=10 |
startDate | string <date> Start Date Example: startDate=2020-01-15 |
endDate | string <date> End Date Example: endDate=2020-01-30 |
requestedAfter | string <date> Requested After Example: requestedAfter=2020-01-15 |
requestedBefore | string <date> Requested Before Example: requestedBefore=2020-01-30 |
decisionStatus | string Decision Status |
bucketType | string Bucket Type |
{- "data": [
- {
- "bucketName": "Vacation",
- "bucketType": "VACATION",
- "createdAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "decidedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "decidedBy": {
- "firstName": "Wilma",
- "id": "fe1b7841-423f-4ce8-a36e-19b1913e4b6b",
- "lastName": "Daniel",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Tabitha",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(919) 209-6711"
}, - "decisionNote": "have fun",
- "decisionStatus": "APPROVED",
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "Ron",
- "id": "3602395e-36c4-49f2-991a-3197e1cfbfe8",
- "lastName": "Schroeder",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ron",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(509) 817-5024"
}, - "endDate": "2021-01-25",
- "endTime": "06:30:00",
- "paid": true,
- "reason": "Vacation",
- "requestNote": "Seeing my parents in CO",
- "requestedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "requestedBy": {
- "firstName": "Ron",
- "id": "3602395e-36c4-49f2-991a-3197e1cfbfe8",
- "lastName": "Schroeder",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ron",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(509) 817-5024"
}, - "startDate": "2021-01-23",
- "startTime": "20:15:00",
- "timeOffBucket": {
- "availableBalance": 27.22,
- "currentBalance": 71.22,
- "usedBalance": 0
}, - "timeOffDays": [
- {
- "date": "2021-01-23",
- "hours": 0,
- "type": "NOT_COUNTED_OFF"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-24",
- "hours": 0,
- "type": "NOT_COUNTED_OFF"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-25",
- "hours": 6,
- "type": "COUNTED"
], - "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
- "totalHours": 6,
- "updatedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00"
}, - {
- "bucketType": "SICK",
- "createdAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "decidedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "decidedBy": {
- "firstName": "Stanford",
- "id": "22b7ed9c-c240-4fce-8976-717767fc4497",
- "lastName": "Schneider",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Tabitha",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(919) 209-6711"
}, - "decisionNote": "sorry!",
- "decisionStatus": "DENIED",
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "Rick",
- "id": "1e5cd85d-1a48-4435-ae01-e5d76f40ac1a",
- "lastName": "Becker",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Rick",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "724-985-1758"
}, - "endDate": "2021-01-26",
- "endTime": "19:15:00",
- "reason": "Out Sick",
- "requestNote": "runny nose",
- "requestedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00",
- "requestedBy": {
- "firstName": "Rick",
- "id": "1e5cd85d-1a48-4435-ae01-e5d76f40ac1a",
- "lastName": "Becker",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Rick",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "724-985-1758"
}, - "startDate": "2021-01-22",
- "startTime": "13:45:00",
- "timeOffBucket": {
- "availableBalance": 0,
- "currentBalance": 0,
- "usedBalance": 0
}, - "timeOffDays": [
- {
- "date": "2021-01-22",
- "hours": 3,
- "type": "COUNTED"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-23",
- "hours": 0,
- "type": "NOT_COUNTED_OFF"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-24",
- "hours": 0,
- "type": "NOT_COUNTED_OFF"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-25",
- "hours": 8,
- "type": "COUNTED"
}, - {
- "date": "2021-01-26",
- "hours": 5,
- "type": "COUNTED"
], - "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
- "totalHours": 16,
- "updatedAt": "2021-01-14T00:00:00-08:00"
], - "maxPerPage": 25,
- "page": 2,
- "total": 2,
- "totalPages": 1
Create a timesheet entry
startedAt required | string <date-time> Time entry start time |
entryCategory required | string Type of hour entered |
employeeNote | string Employee note |
enteredDuration | string <duration> Length of time entry |
jobTitleId | string ID of job title work was done under |
managerNote | string Manager note |
object (TimesheetEntrySchema) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "employeeNote": "string",
- "enteredDuration": "string",
- "entryCategory": "HOLIDAY",
- "jobTitleId": "string",
- "managerNote": "string",
- "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
{- "data": {
- "department": {
- "code": "01f11d6db4172",
- "id": "ADQ77jHXWY5EMcF-QfpJ3JIACkRlcGFydG1lbnQAEIKl5L5PDkOVrTho4KtHpNs",
- "name": "Right-sized Architecture & Planning 30"
}, - "division": {
- "code": "6c9c4b71ce0",
- "id": "AE_0yOchOQK9iIn89pg4yj4ACERpdmlzaW9uABACgFukFvNHYZYKJSlZoNKG",
- "name": "TI"
}, - "duration": "PT14H5M",
- "employeeNote": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
- "endedAt": "2023-07-19T13:03:33-07:00",
- "entryCategory": "WORK",
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- "name": "Government Director"
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- "id": "ABjpkTv5VF2xHi_igoiwQSEACExvY2F0aW9uABCrqbID2MZOlYx_hBQLJQN_",
- "name": "Headquarters"
}, - "managerNote": "Maecenas cursus ut dui nec viverra. Duis eleifend.",
- "startedAt": "2000-01-22T02:00:00-06:00",
- "timeEntryMethod": "CLOCK_IN_OUT",
- "timeEntryType": "DURATION",
- "timesheet": {
- "approved": true,
- "approvedAt": "2023-07-19T13:03:30-07:00",
- "approvedBy": {
- "firstName": "Markus",
- "id": "86b4de51-83f4-4e22-95b0-883bcb7e60c7",
- "lastName": "Toy",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Markus",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "228-959-6930"
}, - "createdAt": "2023-07-19T13:03:30-07:00",
- "doubleOvertimeHours": 91,
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "Amos",
- "id": "00403825-a461-4e91-adbe-b8af6355811a",
- "lastName": "Smitham",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Amos",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "505-644-1646"
}, - "holidayHours": 57,
- "mealBreakHours": 35,
- "overtimeHours": 9,
- "regularHours": 24,
- "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
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- "payPeriod": {
- "max": "2000-01-30",
- "min": "2000-01-21"
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- "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T13:03:30-07:00"
}, - "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T13:03:33-07:00",
- "updatedBy": {
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- "preferredFirstName": "Amos",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "458-980-6051"
Retrieve a list of timesheet entries
{- "data": [
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- "code": "6c9c4b71ce0",
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- "approvedAt": "2023-07-19T13:03:30-07:00",
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- "id": "86b4de51-83f4-4e22-95b0-883bcb7e60c7",
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- "workPhone": "228-959-6930"
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- "preferredFirstName": "Amos",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
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- "overtimeHours": 9,
- "regularHours": 24,
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- "id": "AKI36s1SOmkiRlIoguY-LlsAElRpbWVzaGVldFBheVBlcmlvZAAQBDwANQxyTsuXzlPuOY-KGA",
- "payPeriod": {
- "max": "2000-01-30",
- "min": "2000-01-21"
}, - "totalHours": 73,
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T13:03:30-07:00"
}, - "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T13:03:33-07:00",
- "updatedBy": {
- "firstName": "Amos",
- "id": "00403825-a461-4e91-adbe-b8af6355811a",
- "lastName": "Smitham",
- "middleInitial": "K",
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- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "458-980-6051"
], - "maxPerPage": 25,
- "page": 1,
- "total": 1,
- "totalPages": 1
Retrieve a list of timesheets
{- "data": [
- {
- "approved": false,
- "approvedAt": "2023-07-19T10:39:54-07:00",
- "approvedBy": {
- "firstName": "Ron",
- "id": "3602395e-36c4-49f2-991a-3197e1cfbfe8",
- "lastName": "Schroeder",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ron",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(509) 817-5024"
}, - "createdAt": "2023-07-19T10:39:54-07:00",
- "doubleOvertimeHours": 75,
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "Lavern",
- "id": "dac61148-31c2-4cbe-a762-0374899acd7d",
- "lastName": "Halvorson",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Lavern",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "(509) 817-5024"
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- "payPeriod": {
- "max": "2000-01-20",
- "min": "2000-01-11"
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- "totalPages": 1
Bulk update fields for a workflow
required | Array of objects | ||||||||||
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- "value": 0
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- {
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}, - {
- "identifier": "field-boba-fett-8195"
Create a workflow template field
- "name": "string",
- "possibleValues": [
- "string"
{- "data": {
- "id": "AJO-QWkulBRK9cONSeoUHWkACEpvYlRpdGxlABD5oujSgGxCUYbiiQ5dIJJD"
Publish the workflow template
object (WorkflowTemplateSchema) | |||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-07T13:04:09-07:00",
- "description": "lorem ipsum",
- "id": "ADcR-Ibw-EFc7ByOZ1U4ZbQAEFdvcmtmbG93VGVtcGxhdGUAEDKG8CYPYkKrnnHzJBQBwUQ",
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- "schedules": [
- {
- "frequency": "WEEKLY",
- "scheduledDate": "2020-10-10",
- "scheduledDayOfMonth": 10,
- "scheduledHour": 12,
- "scheduledMinute": 45,
- "scheduledMonth": [
- 10,
- 11
], - "scheduledWeekday": [
], - "templateType": "DEFAULT",
- "workflowFields": [
- {
- "fieldType": "DROPDOWN",
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- "identifier": "workflow_field:field-yoda-8195",
- "name": "Field Yoda 8195",
- "possibleValues": [
- "Super Saiyan Trunks",
- "Super Saiyan Gohan",
- "Launch"
], - "section": {
- "description": "Remember, your focus determines your reality.",
- "id": "ANORVPsN7i_8k4s6PC1ZFmgAF1dvcmtmbG93VGVtcGxhdGVTZWN0aW9uABDJZJbWWNVKB7IOx3105Y37",
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- "order": 5
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- {
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- "name": "Start Form",
- "order": -1
}, - {
- "id": "AGTsigi0DSem-jonu1Z7toAAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABANWLYzkUBJzr7TPNFwnYNA",
- "name": "Poe Dameron Task",
- "order": 0
}, - {
- "id": "AKcMZcHuF_f27hLKaezHzZIAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABCKBZmXuu9CsLfrkAS6kZ_f",
- "name": "Galen Erso Task",
- "order": 1
}, - {
- "id": "ADjIFipdDtAf6AhtxBsaL-cAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABBmHnS9slZHCKwZmhPPB99i",
- "name": "Mace Windu Task",
- "order": 2
}, - {
- "id": "ABXnwEGKQ52ghDyuzuAioOsAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABBUCnS454BGzJJodumU7MR9",
- "name": "Jar Jar Binks Task",
- "order": 3
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- "id": "APMTWJOC3M2wwzYtPwO04Z4AFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABCW4CnjiypH-YuG_SGgScTH",
- "name": "Maz Kanata Task",
- "order": 4
Retrieve a list of workflow templates
Array of objects (WorkflowTemplateSchema) | |||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-07T13:04:09-07:00",
- "description": "lorem ipsum",
- "id": "ADcR-Ibw-EFc7ByOZ1U4ZbQAEFdvcmtmbG93VGVtcGxhdGUAEDKG8CYPYkKrnnHzJBQBwUQ",
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- "schedules": [
- {
- "frequency": "WEEKLY",
- "scheduledDate": "2020-10-10",
- "scheduledDayOfMonth": 10,
- "scheduledHour": 12,
- "scheduledMinute": 45,
- "scheduledMonth": [
- 10,
- 11
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], - "templateType": "DEFAULT",
- "workflowFields": [
- {
- "fieldType": "DROPDOWN",
- "id": "ACzVpEp38LXhgicPZMUtDRkAFVdvcmtmbG93VGVtcGxhdGVGaWVsZAAQGDOEsobbS6u0M-a2RV59aw",
- "identifier": "workflow_field:field-yoda-8195",
- "name": "Field Yoda 8195",
- "possibleValues": [
- "Super Saiyan Trunks",
- "Super Saiyan Gohan",
- "Launch"
], - "section": {
- "description": "Remember, your focus determines your reality.",
- "id": "ANORVPsN7i_8k4s6PC1ZFmgAF1dvcmtmbG93VGVtcGxhdGVTZWN0aW9uABDJZJbWWNVKB7IOx3105Y37",
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- {
- "id": "ACT58sxZOheB3iUaIYAStlsAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABB4tww5YNdDaIwGaeV0zIa-",
- "name": "Start Form",
- "order": -1
}, - {
- "id": "AGTsigi0DSem-jonu1Z7toAAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABANWLYzkUBJzr7TPNFwnYNA",
- "name": "Poe Dameron Task",
- "order": 0
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- "id": "AKcMZcHuF_f27hLKaezHzZIAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABCKBZmXuu9CsLfrkAS6kZ_f",
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- "id": "ADjIFipdDtAf6AhtxBsaL-cAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABBmHnS9slZHCKwZmhPPB99i",
- "name": "Mace Windu Task",
- "order": 2
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- "id": "ABXnwEGKQ52ghDyuzuAioOsAFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABBUCnS454BGzJJodumU7MR9",
- "name": "Jar Jar Binks Task",
- "order": 3
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- "id": "APMTWJOC3M2wwzYtPwO04Z4AFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza1RlbXBsYXRlABCW4CnjiypH-YuG_SGgScTH",
- "name": "Maz Kanata Task",
- "order": 4
Retrieve a workflow
object (WorkflowSchema) | |||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": {
- "id": "AMcGDVIaFITcIhNjQwxsxm4AEFdvcmtmbG93SW5zdGFuY2UAEMs40_LbsEgotVuKUQ8ZDy0",
- "name": "Checklist General Hux: Ada Raynor",
- "target": {
- "firstName": "Ada",
- "id": "6b7187b3-2290-48c8-a2f0-a70bf9eacce5",
- "lastName": "Raynor",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ada",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "202 555-234"
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- "workflowFields": [
- {
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- "currency": "USD",
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- "fieldType": "CURRENCY",
- "identifier": "workflow_field:field-bail-organa-39",
- "name": "Field Bail Organa 39",
- "numberValue": 9,
- "possibleValues": [
- "Raditz",
- "Launch"
], - "section": {
- "description": "Sed tincidunt risus molestie ex vulputate, et hendrerit orci euismod.",
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- "name": "Section Obi-Wan Kenobi",
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], - "workflowTasks": [
- {
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentText": "You are wellcome!",
- "createdAt": "2023-07-14T13:01:24-07:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-14T13:01:24-07:00",
- "updatedBy": {
- "firstName": "Ashleigh",
- "id": "6b7187b3-2290-48c8-a2f0-a70bf9eacce5",
- "lastName": "Stark",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ashleigh",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "222 555-666"
], - "createdAt": "2023-07-14T13:01:24-07:00",
- "dueDate": "2023-03-01",
- "id": "AC01nKuSPnW6AykRz1ATHS8AFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza0luc3RhbmNlABBrE8tea-xAwrIUQBdujB6o",
- "name": "Greedo Task",
- "order": 1,
- "status": "INCOMPLETE",
- "statusUpdatedBy": {
- "firstName": "Ada",
- "id": "6b7187b3-2290-48c8-a2f0-a70bf9eacce5",
- "lastName": "Raynor",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ada",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "222 555-666"
Update a workflow task
object (WorkflowTaskSchema) | |||||||||||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "status": "INCOMPLETE"
{- "data": {
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentText": "You are wellcome!",
- "createdAt": "2023-07-14T13:01:24-07:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-14T13:01:24-07:00",
- "updatedBy": {
- "firstName": "Ashleigh",
- "id": "6b7187b3-2290-48c8-a2f0-a70bf9eacce5",
- "lastName": "Stark",
- "middleInitial": "K",
- "preferredFirstName": "Ashleigh",
- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "222 555-666"
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- "dueDate": "2023-03-01",
- "id": "AC01nKuSPnW6AykRz1ATHS8AFFdvcmtmbG93VGFza0luc3RhbmNlABBrE8tea-xAwrIUQBdujB6o",
- "name": "Greedo Task",
- "order": 1,
- "status": "INCOMPLETE",
- "statusUpdatedBy": {
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- "id": "6b7187b3-2290-48c8-a2f0-a70bf9eacce5",
- "lastName": "Raynor",
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- "preferredPronoun": "THEY_THEM_THEIRS",
- "workPhone": "222 555-666"
Update a workflow template field
{- "possibleValues": [
- "string"
{- "data": {
- "id": "AJO-QWkulBRK9cONSeoUHWkACEpvYlRpdGxlABD5oujSgGxCUYbiiQ5dIJJD"
Retrieve a list of currencies
Array of objects (CurrencySchema) | |||||||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": [
- {
- "code": "AED",
- "description": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "د.إ"
}, - {
- "code": "ARS",
- "description": "Argentine Peso",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "AUD",
- "description": "Australian Dollar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "BGN",
- "description": "Bulgarian Lev",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "Лв"
}, - {
- "code": "BHD",
- "description": "Bahraini Dinar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": ".د.ب"
}, - {
- "code": "CAD",
- "description": "Canadian Dollar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "CHF",
- "description": "Swiss Franc",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "Fr."
}, - {
- "code": "CLP",
- "description": "Chilean Peso",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "CNH",
- "description": "Chinese Offshore Renminbi",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "元"
}, - {
- "code": "CNY",
- "description": "Chinese Yuan",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "¥"
}, - {
- "code": "CZK",
- "description": "Czech Koruna",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "Kč"
}, - {
- "code": "DKK",
- "description": "Danish Krone",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "Kr."
}, - {
- "code": "EUR",
- "description": "Euro",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "€"
}, - {
- "code": "FJD",
- "description": "Fiji Dollar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "FJ$"
}, - {
- "code": "GBP",
- "description": "Pound Sterling",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "£"
}, - {
- "code": "HKD",
- "description": "Hong Kong Dollar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "HK$"
}, - {
- "code": "HUF",
- "description": "Hungarian Forint",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "Ft"
}, - {
- "code": "IDR",
- "description": "Indonesian Rupiah",
- "precision": 0,
- "symbol": "Rp"
}, - {
- "code": "ILS",
- "description": "Israeli Shekel",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "₪"
}, - {
- "code": "INR",
- "description": "Indian Rupee",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "₹"
}, - {
- "code": "ISK",
- "description": "Icelandic Króna",
- "precision": 0,
- "symbol": "kr"
}, - {
- "code": "JPY",
- "description": "Japanese Yen",
- "precision": 0,
- "symbol": "¥"
}, - {
- "code": "KES",
- "description": "Kenyan Shilling",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "K"
}, - {
- "code": "KWD",
- "description": "Kuwaiti Dinar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "د.ك"
}, - {
- "code": "MAD",
- "description": "Moroccan Dirham",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "MAD"
}, - {
- "code": "MXN",
- "description": "Mexican Peso",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "MYR",
- "description": "Malaysian Ringgit",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "RM"
}, - {
- "code": "NOK",
- "description": "Norwegian Krone",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "kr"
}, - {
- "code": "NZD",
- "description": "New Zealand Dollar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "PHP",
- "description": "Philippine Peso",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "₱"
}, - {
- "code": "PKR",
- "description": "Pakistani Rupee",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "Rs"
}, - {
- "code": "PLN",
- "description": "Polish Złoty",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "zł"
}, - {
- "code": "QAR",
- "description": "Qatari Riyal",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "ر.ق"
}, - {
- "code": "RON",
- "description": "Romanian leu",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "L"
}, - {
- "code": "RSD",
- "description": "Serbian Dinar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "дин"
}, - {
- "code": "RUB",
- "description": "Russian Ruble",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "₽"
}, - {
- "code": "SAR",
- "description": "Saudi Arabian Riyal",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "ر.س"
}, - {
- "code": "SEK",
- "description": "Swedish Krona",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "kr"
}, - {
- "code": "SGD",
- "description": "Singapore Dollar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "TRY",
- "description": "Turkish Lira",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "₺"
}, - {
- "code": "TWD",
- "description": "Taiwanese Dollar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "UAH",
- "description": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "₴"
}, - {
- "code": "USD",
- "description": "United States Dollar",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "$"
}, - {
- "code": "VND",
- "description": "Vietnamese Dong",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "₫"
}, - {
- "code": "ZAR",
- "description": "South African Rand",
- "precision": 2,
- "symbol": "R"
Retrieve a list of notification statuses
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": [
- {
- "description": "Active",
- "name": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "description": "Auto archived, belongs to an auto archiving notification category",
- "name": "AUTO_ARCHIVED"
}, - {
- "description": "Task is blocked",
- "name": "BLOCKED"
}, - {
- "description": "Task has been canceled",
- "name": "CANCELLED"
}, - {
- "description": "Completed",
- "name": "COMPLETED"
}, - {
- "description": "Task was deleted",
- "name": "DELETED"
}, - {
- "description": "Task has something to do",
- "name": "INCOMPLETE"
}, - {
- "description": "Task is in progress",
- "name": "IN_PROGRESS"
}, - {
- "description": "Task blocks payroll",
}, - {
- "description": "Task has not met start criteria",
- "name": "PENDING"
}, - {
- "description": "Task was skipped",
- "name": "SKIPPED"
Retrieve a list of notification types
Array of objects (NotificationTypeSchema) | |||||
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": [
- {
- "description": "Aca Benefit Coverage Changes Required Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Aca Upload Hours Notification",
- "name": "ACA_UPLOAD_HOURS"
}, - {
- "description": "Announcement Notification",
- "name": "ANNOUNCEMENT"
}, - {
- "description": "Benefits Sync Notification",
- "name": "BENEFITS_SYNC"
}, - {
- "description": "Benefit Change Notification",
- "name": "BENEFIT_CHANGE"
}, - {
- "description": "Benefit Dependent Change Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Benefit Eligibility Changed Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Carrier Form Template Request Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Closed Payroll Change Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Colonial Harmony Import Error Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Company Change Notification",
- "name": "COMPANY_CHANGE"
}, - {
- "description": "Contribution Change Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Disenroll Deleted Employee Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Disenroll Deleted Enrollment Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Disenroll Employee Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Disenroll Generic Enrollment Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Document Expired Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Document Expiring Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Document Received Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Document Received Manager Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Document Verification Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Document Verification Manager Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "EDI Error Notification",
- "name": "EDI_ERROR"
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Deleted Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Document Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Document Receives Copy Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Document Reset Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Late Notification",
- "name": "EMPLOYEE_LATE"
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Onboard Task Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Request Change Cancelled Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Request Change Comment Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Request Change Decision Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Request Change Modified Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Employee Request Change Submitted Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Enrollment Change Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Enrollment Ending Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Enrollment Ending Admin Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Enrollment Error Correction Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Enrollment Extended Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Enrollment Missed Admin Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Enrollment Reminder Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Expense Reimbursement Decision Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Expense Reimbursement Request Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Feedback Activity Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Final Paycheck Notification",
- "name": "FINAL_PAYCHECK"
}, - {
- "description": "Final Paycheck Issue Method Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Finish Hiring Notification",
- "name": "FINISH_HIRING"
}, - {
- "description": "Finish Hiring In Remote Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Gathr Section125 Document Expiring Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Gathr Section125 Document Signature Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Generic Enrollment Request Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Generic Individual Enrollment Payroll Deduction Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Generic Open Enrollment Payroll Deduction Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Goal Comment Notification",
- "name": "GOAL_COMMENT"
}, - {
- "description": "Goal Completed Notification",
- "name": "GOAL_COMPLETED"
}, - {
- "description": "Goal Created Notification",
- "name": "GOAL_CREATED"
}, - {
- "description": "Goal Missed Notification",
- "name": "GOAL_MISSED"
}, - {
- "description": "Goal Progress Notification",
- "name": "GOAL_PROGRESS"
}, - {
- "description": "Gusto Critical Notification",
- "name": "GUSTO_CRITICAL"
}, - {
- "description": "Gusto Non Critical Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Gusto Payroll Failure Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Hsa Deduction Change Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Human Interest Integration Error Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "I9 Certification Notification",
- "name": "I9_CERTIFICATION"
}, - {
- "description": "Individual Enrollment Completed Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Life Event Admin Approval Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Life Event Approved Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Life Event Carrier Approval Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Life Event Rejected Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Magic Doc Requested Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "New Cobra Notification",
- "name": "NEW_COBRA"
}, - {
- "description": "New Payroll State Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Offer Accepted Notification",
- "name": "OFFER_ACCEPTED"
}, - {
- "description": "Offer Continued Coverage Dependent Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Offer Continued Coverage Employee Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Onboard Started Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Open Enrollment Completed Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Payroll Addition Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Payroll Change Notification",
- "name": "PAYROLL_CHANGE"
}, - {
- "description": "Payroll Deduction Change Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Payroll Sync Notification",
- "name": "PAYROLL_SYNC"
}, - {
- "description": "Performance Task Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Provision Requested Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Requested Document Expired Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Requested Document Expiring Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Team Survey Task Notification",
- "name": "TEAM_SURVEY_TASK"
}, - {
- "description": "Team Survey Task Reminder Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Timesheet Approve Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Time Off Cancelled Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Time Off Request Notification",
- "name": "TIME_OFF_REQUEST"
}, - {
- "description": "Time Off Request Decision Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Unum Limra Api Failure Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Vericred Api Failure Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Vidix Integration Error Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Voluntary Coverage Change Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Voluntary EOI Sync Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Workflow Completed Notification",
}, - {
- "description": "Workflow Task Notification",
- "name": "WORKFLOW_TASK"
}, - {
- "description": "Work Schedule Published Notification",
Retrieve a list of time off bucket types
Not Authorized
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
Too Many Requests
{- "data": [
- {
- "description": "Bereavement",
- "name": "BEREAVEMENT"
}, - {
- "description": "Custom 1",
- "name": "CUSTOM1"
}, - {
- "description": "Custom 2",
- "name": "CUSTOM2"
}, - {
- "description": "Custom 3",
- "name": "CUSTOM3"
}, - {
- "description": "Emergency Family and Medical Leave",
- "name": "EFMLA"
}, - {
- "description": "Emergency Paid Sick Leave",
- "name": "EPSL"
}, - {
- "description": "Floating Holiday",
}, - {
- "description": "Jury Duty",
- "name": "JURY_DUTY"
}, - {
- "description": "Learning & Development",
}, - {
- "description": "Leave",
- "name": "LEAVE"
}, - {
- "description": "Miscellaneous",
- "name": "NOT_COUNTED"
}, - {
- "description": "Personal Leave",
- "name": "PERSONAL"
}, - {
- "description": "Sick Leave",
- "name": "SICK"
}, - {
- "description": "Vacation",
- "name": "VACATION"
}, - {
- "description": "Volunteer",
- "name": "VOLUNTEER"
}, - {
- "description": "Weather",
- "name": "WEATHER"
Retrieve a list of time off request statuses
{- "data": [
- {
- "description": "Approved",
- "name": "APPROVED"
}, - {
- "description": "Cancelled",
- "name": "CANCELLED"
}, - {
- "description": "Denied",
- "name": "DENIED"
}, - {
- "description": "Pending decision",
- "name": "PENDING"
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Name |
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Name of this earning type |
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
Array of objects (CustomFieldDefinitionSchema) Custom Fields | |
name | string Section Name |
{- "fields": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "id": null,
- "title": null,
- "value": null
], - "type": "CHECKBOX_LIST"
], - "name": "string"
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Name |
urlName | string URL Name |
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "urlName": "string"
code | string Unique 3 digit currency code |
description | string Full name of the currency |
precision | integer <int64> Number of precision decimal digits |
symbol | string Non-unique one character symbol |
{- "code": "AED",
- "description": "string",
- "precision": 0,
- "symbol": "string"
description | string Description |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
identifier | string Identifier of this field for magic documents |
name | string Name |
Array of objects Possible Values | |
type | string Field Type |
{- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "id": null,
- "title": null,
- "value": null
], - "type": "CHECKBOX_LIST"
code | string Work Group code |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Name |
{- "code": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
description | string Description for this template |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
kind | string Type of document that this template uses |
name | string Name of this template |
{- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "kind": "ATTACHED",
- "name": "string"
firstName | string First Name |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
lastName | string Last Name |
middleInitial | string Middle Initial Name |
personalEmail | string <email> Personal Email |
preferredFirstName | string Preferred First Name |
preferredPronoun | string Preferred Pronoun |
workEmail | string <email> Work Email |
workPhone | string Work Phone |
{- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
accountNickname | string Employee created label for account |
amount | number <double> Either a flat dollar amount or percentage to be deposited to this account |
amountType | string Indicate if the amount is fixed or a percentage of gross pay |
object Details for bank account | |
currency | string Currency used |
formattedDepositAmount | string Formatted amount, including the currency or percent symbol. |
id | string Unique identifier for the compensation method |
paymentMethod | string Direct deposit or paper check |
priority | integer <int64> Order in which funds from gross pay will be allocated to account |
{- "accountNickname": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountType": "DOLLARS",
- "bankAccount": {
- "accountNumber": "string",
- "accountType": "BUSINESS_CHECKING",
- "bank": {
- "name": "string"
}, - "routingNumber": "string"
}, - "currency": "AED",
- "formattedDepositAmount": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "paymentMethod": "DIRECT_DEPOSIT",
- "priority": 0
Array of objects Custom Fields | |
name | string Section Name |
{- "fields": [
- {
- "definition": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "id": null,
- "title": null,
- "value": null
], - "type": "CHECKBOX_LIST"
}, - "displayValue": null
], - "name": "string"
completed | boolean True if this document has been completed |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
expirationDate | string <date> Date that this document expires |
object Most recently completed version of this document | |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Name of this document |
Array of objects (EmployeeDocumentStepSchema) Document steps | |
object Template that was used to create this document |
{- "completed": true,
- "createdBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "employee": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "expirationDate": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "steps": [
- {
- "assignedTo": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "completed": true,
- "completedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "completedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "templateStep": {
- "action": "ACKNOWLEDGE",
- "assignee": "DOCUMENT_SENDER",
- "order": 0
], - "template": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
completed | boolean True if this step is completed |
completedAt | string <date-time> Time when this step was completed |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
object Document Template Step |
{- "assignedTo": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "completed": true,
- "completedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "completedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "templateStep": {
- "action": "ACKNOWLEDGE",
- "assignee": "DOCUMENT_SENDER",
- "order": 0
object Address | |
object Department | |
object Division | |
dob | string <date> Date of Birth |
efmlaBalance | number <double> Emergency Family and Medical Leave Hours Balance |
Array of objects Emergency Contacts | |
employmentStatus | string Employment Status |
employmentType | string Employment Type |
epslBalance | number <double> Emergency Paid Sick Leave Hours Balance |
extraWithholding | number <double> Extra Withholding |
firstName | string First Name |
genderIdentity | string Gender Identity |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
insertionSource | string Insertion Source |
isManager | boolean Is Manager? |
object Job Title | |
lastName | string Last Name |
legalSex | string Legal Sex |
object Location | |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
middleInitial | string Middle Initial Name |
object Non Work State Withholding | |
object Payroll Schedule | |
personalBalance | number <double> Personal Leave Hours Balance |
personalEmail | string <email> Personal Email |
object Photo | |
preferredFirstName | string Preferred First Name |
preferredPronoun | string Preferred Pronoun |
rehire | boolean Rehire? |
residentState | string Resident State |
sickBalance | number <double> Sick Leave Hours Balance |
ssn | string Social Security Number |
startDate | string <date> Start date of the employee |
taxFilingStatus | string Tax Filing Status |
terminationDay | string <date> Termination date |
terminationNote | string Termination Note |
terminationStatus | string Termination Status |
terminationType | string Termination Type |
object Time Off Policy | |
object Time Tracking Policy | |
uniqueOnboardingLink | string Onboarding Link |
vacationBalance | number <double> Vacation Hours Balance |
w420202MultipleJobs | boolean w4 2020 - Multiple Jobs |
w420203DependentWithholding | number <double> w4 2020 - Dependent Withholding |
w420204aOtherIncome | number <double> w4 2020 - Other Income |
w420204bDeductions | number <double> w4 2020 - Deductions |
w42020IncomeBelow200k | boolean w4 2020 - Income Below 200k |
w42020OtherDependents | integer <int64> w4 2020 - Other Dependents |
w42020QualifiedChildren | integer <int64> w4 2020 - Qualified Children |
w4Version | string How and which W-4 fields are available on this employee |
object Wage Rate | |
wageType | string Wage Type |
withholdingAllowances | integer <int64> Withholding Allowances |
workEmail | string <email> Work Email |
workPhone | string Work Phone |
{- "address": {
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "state": "string"
}, - "department": {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "division": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "dob": "2019-08-24",
- "efmlaBalance": 0,
- "emergencyContacts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "priority": 0
], - "employmentStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "employmentType": "CONTRACTOR",
- "epslBalance": 0,
- "extraWithholding": 0,
- "firstName": "string",
- "genderIdentity": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "insertionSource": "ADP_WORKFORCE",
- "isManager": true,
- "jobTitle": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "lastName": "string",
- "legalSex": "FEMALE",
- "location": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "manager": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "middleInitial": "string",
- "nonWorkStateWithholding": {
- "allowances": "string",
- "exempt": true,
- "extraWithholding": 0,
- "filingStatus": "string"
}, - "payrollSchedule": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "personalBalance": 0,
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "rehire": true,
- "residentState": "string",
- "sickBalance": 0,
- "ssn": "string",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24",
- "taxFilingStatus": "exempt",
- "terminationDay": "2019-08-24",
- "terminationNote": "string",
- "terminationStatus": "OFF",
- "terminationType": "DECEASED",
- "timeOffPolicy": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "timeTrackingPolicy": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "uniqueOnboardingLink": "string",
- "vacationBalance": 0,
- "w420202MultipleJobs": true,
- "w420203DependentWithholding": 0,
- "w420204aOtherIncome": 0,
- "w420204bDeductions": 0,
- "w42020IncomeBelow200k": true,
- "w42020OtherDependents": 0,
- "w42020QualifiedChildren": 0,
- "w4Version": "PRE2020",
- "wageRate": {
- "currency": "AED",
- "value": 0
}, - "wageType": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "withholdingAllowances": 0,
- "workPhone": "string"
allowNonResidentExemption | boolean Allow Non Resident Exemption |
allowances | string Allowances |
exempt | boolean Exempt |
exemptReason | string Exempt Reason |
object Exception Form | |
exemptionOptions | string Exemption Options |
Array of objects Fields | |
filingStatus | string Filing Status |
object Form | |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
isWorkState | boolean Is Work State |
signedAt | string <date-time> Signed At |
state | string State |
{- "allowNonResidentExemption": true,
- "allowances": "string",
- "exempt": true,
- "exemptReason": "string",
- "exemptionForm": {
- "title": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "exemptionOptions": "NONE",
- "fields": [
- {
- "allowNegative": null,
- "dataType": null,
- "default": null,
- "fieldName": null,
- "hint": null,
- "label": null,
- "legacy": null,
- "maxValue": null,
- "minValue": null,
- "perPayPeriod": null,
- "possibleValues": [
- {
- "title": null,
- "value": null
], - "required": null,
- "subLabel": null,
- "useCalculator": null,
- "value": null
], - "filingStatus": "string",
- "form": {
- "title": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "id": "string",
- "isWorkState": true,
- "signedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "state": "string"
code | string Work Group code |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Name |
{- "code": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
createdAt | string <date-time> Created At |
description | string Description |
dueDate | string <date-time> Due Date |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
Array of objects (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) List of employees that were notified | |
notifiedPersonalEmails | Array of strings List of personal emails that were notified |
notifiedWorkEmails | Array of strings List of work emails that were notified |
notifiedWorkPhones | Array of strings List of work phones that were notified |
status | string Status |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
type | string Type |
{- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "dueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": "string",
- "notifiedEmployees": [
- {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
], - "notifiedPersonalEmails": [
- "string"
], - "notifiedWorkEmails": [
- "string"
], - "notifiedWorkPhones": [
- "string"
], - "status": "ACTIVE",
- "targetEmployee": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
description | string Description |
name | string Name |
{- "description": "string",
- "name": "ACTIVE"
description | string Description |
name | string Name |
{- "description": "string",
commentText | string Comment Text |
createdAt | string <date-time> Time when the event occurred or comment was created |
updatedAt | string <date-time> Time of last change for this comment |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) |
{- "commentText": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
maxPerPage | integer Max per page |
page | integer Current page |
total | integer Total count |
totalPages | integer Total pages |
{- "maxPerPage": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "total": 0,
- "totalPages": 0
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Name |
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
description | string Description |
name | string Name |
{- "description": "string",
- "name": "BEREAVEMENT"
Array of objects List buckets for this policy | |
name | string Name |
{- "buckets": [
- {
- "bucketName": null,
- "bucketType": null,
- "reasons": [
- {
- "name": "string"
], - "name": "string"
employeeId required | string the employee ID, used when creating a new request |
bucketType required | string the bucket type for the request |
firstDayHours required | number <double> number of hours for the first day, if it's a partial day |
lastDayHours required | number <double> number of hours for the last day, if it's a partial day |
reason required | string the reason for the request (pre-defined at the policy level |
startDate required | string Start date |
endDate required | string End date |
accrualStatus | string accrual status for the request(required when bucket type is leave) |
paid | boolean toggle that says if the EE should be paid or not while on time off(required and used only for leave) |
requestNote | string the employee free form note for the request |
{- "accrualStatus": "CONTINUE",
- "bucketType": "BEREAVEMENT",
- "employeeId": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "firstDayHours": 0,
- "lastDayHours": 0,
- "paid": true,
- "reason": "string",
- "requestNote": "string",
- "startDate": "string"
approve required | boolean Approve time off request? |
note | string Note |
{- "approve": true,
- "note": "string"
accrualStatus | string Accrual Status |
bucketName | string Bucket name |
bucketType | string Bucket Type |
createdAt | string <date-time> When the request was created |
decidedAt | string <date-time> Decided At |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
decisionNote | string Decision Note |
decisionStatus | string Decision Status |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
endDate | string <date> End Date |
endTime | string End Time |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
paid | boolean Indicates if the employee will be paid or not while on time off, cannot be null after request is approved |
reason | string Reason |
requestNote | string Request Note |
requestedAt | string <date-time> Requested At |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
startDate | string <date> Start Date |
startTime | string Start Time |
object Time Off Bucket | |
Array of objects Hours Per Day | |
timeZone | string Time Zone |
totalHours | number <double> Total Hours |
updatedAt | string <date-time> The last time the request was updated |
{- "accrualStatus": "CONTINUE",
- "bucketName": "string",
- "bucketType": "BEREAVEMENT",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decidedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decidedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "decisionNote": "string",
- "decisionStatus": "APPROVED",
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "endDate": "2019-08-24",
- "endTime": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "paid": true,
- "reason": "string",
- "requestNote": "string",
- "requestedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "requestedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "startDate": "2019-08-24",
- "startTime": "string",
- "timeOffBucket": {
- "availableBalance": 0,
- "currentBalance": 0,
- "usedBalance": 0
}, - "timeOffDays": [
- {
- "date": null,
- "hours": null,
- "type": null
], - "timeZone": "string",
- "totalHours": 0,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
description | string Description |
name | string Name |
{- "description": "string",
- "name": "APPROVED"
startedAt required | string <date-time> Time entry start time |
entryCategory required | string Type of hour entered |
employeeNote | string Employee note |
enteredDuration | string <duration> Length of time entry |
jobTitleId | string ID of job title work was done under |
managerNote | string Manager note |
{- "employeeNote": "string",
- "enteredDuration": "string",
- "entryCategory": "HOLIDAY",
- "jobTitleId": "string",
- "managerNote": "string",
- "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
object The department the employee was in when the entry was created | |
object The division the employee was in when the entry was created | |
duration | string <duration> Duration of entry (regardless of entry method) |
employeeNote | string Employee note for this entry |
endedAt | string <date-time> Entry end time |
entryCategory | string Entry classification |
entryDate | string <date> Entry date |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
object (JobTitleSchema) | |
object The location the employee was in when the entry was created | |
managerNote | string Manager note for this entry |
startedAt | string <date-time> Entry start time |
timeEntryMethod | string Time entry method |
timeEntryType | string Time entry type |
object (TimesheetSchema) | |
updatedAt | string <date-time> The last time the time entry was updated |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) |
{- "createdBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "department": {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "division": {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "duration": "string",
- "employeeNote": "string",
- "endedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entryCategory": "HOLIDAY",
- "entryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "string",
- "jobTitle": {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "location": {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "managerNote": "string",
- "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "timeEntryMethod": "CLOCK_IN_OUT",
- "timeEntryType": "DURATION",
- "timesheet": {
- "approved": true,
- "approvedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "approvedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "doubleOvertimeHours": 0,
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "holidayHours": 0,
- "id": "string",
- "mealBreakHours": 0,
- "overtimeHours": 0,
- "regularHours": 0,
- "timeZone": "string",
- "timesheetPayPeriod": {
- "id": "string",
- "payPeriod": {
- "max": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "min": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "totalHours": 0,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
approved | boolean True if the timesheet was approved |
approvedAt | string <date-time> When the timesheet was approved |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
createdAt | string <date-time> The time when the timesheet was created |
doubleOvertimeHours | number <double> Double overtime hours accrued for this timesheet |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
holidayHours | number <double> Holiday hours for this timesheet |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
mealBreakHours | number <double> Meal break hours for this timesheet |
overtimeHours | number <double> Overtime hours accrued for this timesheet |
regularHours | number <double> Regular hours accrued for this timesheet |
timeZone | string The time zone used to calculate overtime for this timesheet |
object The pay period this work occurred in | |
totalHours | number <double> Total hours accrued for this timesheet |
updatedAt | string <date-time> The last time the timesheet was updated |
{- "approved": true,
- "approvedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "approvedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "doubleOvertimeHours": 0,
- "employee": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "holidayHours": 0,
- "id": "string",
- "mealBreakHours": 0,
- "overtimeHours": 0,
- "regularHours": 0,
- "timeZone": "string",
- "timesheetPayPeriod": {
- "id": "string",
- "payPeriod": {
- "max": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "min": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "totalHours": 0,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
id | string Unique ID of this object |
Array of objects All workflow fields |
{- "id": "string",
- "workflowFields": [
- {
- "identifier": "string"
object The currency value of field | |
dateValue | string <date> The date value of field |
displayValue | string The display value of field |
fieldType | string The type of the field |
identifier | string The identifier for the field |
name | string The name for the field |
numberValue | number <double> The number value of field |
possibleValues | Array of arrays Possible options for field |
object The section the field is in | |
stringValues | Array of arrays The string value of field |
textValue | string The first string value of the array |
object The uploaded file attachment |
{- "currencyValue": {
- "currency": "AED",
- "stringValue": "string",
- "value": 0
}, - "dateValue": "2019-08-24",
- "displayValue": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "numberValue": 0,
- "possibleValues": [ ],
- "section": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0
}, - "stringValues": [ ],
- "textValue": "string",
frequency | string Frequency |
scheduledDate | string <date> Scheduled date |
scheduledDayOfMonth | integer <int64> Scheduled day of month |
scheduledHour | integer <int64> Scheduled hour |
scheduledMinute | integer <int64> Scheduled minute |
scheduledMonth | Array of arrays Scheduled month |
scheduledWeekday | Array of strings Scheduled weekday |
{- "frequency": "ANNIVERSARY",
- "scheduledDate": "2019-08-24",
- "scheduledDayOfMonth": 0,
- "scheduledHour": 0,
- "scheduledMinute": 0,
- "scheduledMonth": [ ],
- "scheduledWeekday": [
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Workflow name |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) | |
templateType | string The type of the workflow |
Array of objects (WorkflowFieldSchema) All workflow fields | |
Array of objects (WorkflowTaskSchema) List of task/group instances that are the children to this workflow instance, without the groups |
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "target": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
}, - "templateType": "BACKGROUND_CHECK_CHECKR",
- "workflowFields": [
- {
- "currencyValue": {
- "currency": "AED",
- "stringValue": "string",
- "value": 0
}, - "dateValue": "2019-08-24",
- "displayValue": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "numberValue": 0,
- "possibleValues": [ ],
- "section": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0
}, - "stringValues": [ ],
- "textValue": "string",
], - "workflowTasks": [
- {
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentText": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
], - "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0,
- "status": "ARCHIVED",
- "statusUpdatedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
id | string The node interface |
name | string Name of workflow step |
order | integer <int64> Ordered index of this step relative to its parent |
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0
Array of objects (ObjectCommentSchema) The task comments | |
createdAt | string <date-time> Time the task was created |
dueDate | string <date-time> Date when this task will be due |
id | string The node interface |
name | string Task name |
order | integer <int64> Ordered index of this step relative to its parent |
status | string Task current status |
object (EmployeeBasicFieldsSchema) |
{- "comments": [
- {
- "commentText": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
], - "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0,
- "status": "ARCHIVED",
- "statusUpdatedBy": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "middleInitial": "string",
- "preferredFirstName": "string",
- "preferredPronoun": "EY_EM_EIRS",
- "workPhone": "string"
fieldType | string The type of the field |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
identifier | string The identifier for the field |
name | string The name for the field |
possibleValues | Array of arrays Possible options for field |
object The section the field is in |
- "id": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "possibleValues": [ ],
- "section": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0
createdAt | string <date-time> Time the template was created |
description | string Describes the workflow purpose |
id | string Unique ID of this object |
name | string Workflow name |
Array of objects (WorkflowScheduleSchema) Schedules to start a workflow | |
templateType | string The type of the workflow |
Array of objects (WorkflowTemplateFieldSchema) All workflow fields | |
Array of objects (WorkflowStepSchema) List of task/group instances that are the children to this workflow instance, without the groups |
{- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "schedules": [
- {
- "frequency": "ANNIVERSARY",
- "scheduledDate": "2019-08-24",
- "scheduledDayOfMonth": 0,
- "scheduledHour": 0,
- "scheduledMinute": 0,
- "scheduledMonth": [ ],
- "scheduledWeekday": [
], - "templateType": "BACKGROUND_CHECK_CHECKR",
- "workflowFields": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "possibleValues": [ ],
- "section": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0
], - "workflowTasks": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0